High Tech General Dentist Office- beyond turn key for experience or new dentist

Boise, Idaho  ~1500sq ft  option for expansion

2 chair, wet lab, 3d printers (4), curing machines (2),  ortho machines (3), hot knife, air abrade filter boxes (4), air abraders (8) , distilled water maker (2), CBCT/PAN  machine-(2 servers), adult and pedo digital sensors, medit i700 and laptop intra oral scanner, cerec scanner (2), mill (2), oven (2). Many blocks (single and bridge), miyo shade system, ultra sonic cleaner (2) , dyson vacuum (2) , high speed curing lights (3), xray unit (1), lead apron,   Intra oral cameras (2), All endo equipment, oral surgery equipment, lots of dental supplies, releaf system, compressor, ag trap, vacuum, electric car plug, isolite systems, nitrous system, network server, 24 hr security cam system, computers (6), 4 large screen tvs, Sieler microscope system and photo/video camera system, dental supplies, keyless door locks, 3 refrigerators, microwave, shower/private bath, Soft tissue laser, electric hand pieces, air driven hand pieces also, oral surgery hand pieces, break room (fridge, microwave, washer/dryer, sink), all desk chairs and cabinets and chairs included, m11 autoclave, statim, nsk kand piece lubricator, voip phone system, regular phone system, mix vacuum, wet grinder, vibrater (2), tons of lab equipment and stone, fully stocked gloves l,m,s, and so much more not listed

Completely modern boutique office with latest technology for a general dentist to do all aspects of dentistry at the highest level.  Very low lease with utilities included, 3.5 yr left on 5 yr lease with three 5 yr options available

1.5 year recent opening, all 5 star reviews on google.

Upward trend quarter to quarter with production since january 2022

Website is also included with automated scheduling using curve dental.



Need to relocate for elderly parents hence the sale of a perfect growing office with lots of potential.


Why wait the 1-2 yrs of build out and all the hassle and paying rent on a space as you build. This office is done and all systems in place with patients also and appointments ready to go.


My 1st office I had for over 20 yrs and learned alot and built this one to have very low overhead and be run by a single doctor.


Selling Price:
$450,000.00 OBO
Duc Pham
Posted By:  onlay
 Boise, Idaho, US
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