Minimal Sedation Renewal

Drs. Jason H. Goodchild and Mark Donaldson
Speaker: Drs. Jason H. Goodchild and Mark Donaldson
Category: Anesthesia
Total Credits: 7
Course Count: 4   view courses
Released: 7/13/2023
Expiration Date: 7/13/2026
  •  The courses in this series must be taken in order.
  •  You must purchase the entire series in order to view these courses.
Series Details
This series is a seven-hour continuum made up of four modules. This continuum is intended as an addition to the Minimal Sedation course for the purpose of recertification. This shorter continuum is designed to satisfy CE hours for maintenance of minimal sedation permits for most state board requirements. Note: Requirements vary based on state and board, so please verify the requirements with your state board.

Minimal sedation—previously known as anxiolysis—can be achieved through enteral medications, nitrous oxide and oxygen, or a combination of both methods. The challenge for practitioners aiming to administer minimal sedation lies in developing personalized protocols for each patient that ensure safety and effectiveness. When using nitrous oxide and oxygen alone, the task is relatively simple as the concentration of nitrous oxide can be adjusted to achieve the desired effect. However, oral medications pose a greater challenge as they cannot be titrated, leaving practitioners to rely on their professional judgment to determine the appropriate dosage.

In addition to understanding the appropriate medication and dosage, it is crucial to carefully select suitable candidates and implement pre-procedural protocols, such as intake forms, medical history review, informed consent and pre-operative instructions. By establishing effective systems within the office to identify appropriate patients and customize the sedation protocol accordingly, the best possible outcome can be achieved. After the minimal sedation visit, it is equally important to provide appropriate post-operative instructions and adhere to discharge criteria.

This series consists of four modules:
Module 1: Introduction to Minimal Sedation
Module 2: Pharmacology of Oral Sedatives
Module 3: Oral Sedation Protocols Part 1
Module 4: Oral Sedation Protocols Part 2
Dr. Jason H. Goodchild Introduction to Minimal Sedation
Speaker: Dr. Jason H. Goodchild
This course provides the foundational knowledge for comprehending minimal sedation. It explores essential definitions related to sedation concepts, enabling participants to grasp the distinctive safety aspects of minimal sedation for both dental patients and practitioners. The course also examines the “Spectrum of Sedation,” allowing participants to appreciate the distinctions between minimal sedation and other levels of sedation and anesthesia.
CE Credits:1.5
Running Time: 1:20:00
CE Credits:: 1.5
Running Time: 1:20:00
Currently this course is only available if you purchase the entire series.
Dr. Mark Donaldson Pharmacology of Oral Sedatives
Speaker: Dr. Mark Donaldson
This course solidifies the foundation for becoming a more effective prescriber and clinician in assisting dental patients with relaxation. This course covers various oral medications for in-office adult minimal sedation to assist providers in administering the appropriate drug at the proper dosage for each specific procedure.
CE Credits:2
Running Time: 1:50:00
CE Credits:: 2
Running Time: 1:50:00
Currently this course is only available if you purchase the entire series.
Dr. Jason H. Goodchild Oral Sedation Protocols Part 1
Speaker: Dr. Jason H. Goodchild
This course, part one of a two-part series, centers around the development of a tailored minimal sedation protocol for eligible candidates. Focusing on patient safety and effectiveness, the course explores pre-procedural factors that must be considered when selecting patients for minimal sedation. Once suitable patients have been identified, the course delves into tools for determining the optimal sedative dose for the initial minimal sedation appointment.
CE Credits:2
Running Time: 1:45:00
CE Credits:: 2
Running Time: 1:45:00
Currently this course is only available if you purchase the entire series.
Dr. Jason H. Goodchild Oral Sedation Protocols Part 2
Speaker: Dr. Jason H. Goodchild
This course is the second part of a two-part series that emphasizes the development of an appropriate minimal sedation protocol for each eligible candidate. With a focus on establishing a safe and effective sedation protocol for patients, the course addresses the importance of providing both verbal and written pre-operative and post-operative instructions to sedation patients.
CE Credits:1.5
Running Time: 1:15:00
CE Credits:: 1.5
Running Time: 1:15:00
Currently this course is only available if you purchase the entire series.
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